Morgan Monks
Informant: Jason Monks
Date retrieved: 3/1/14
Title: A Short Engagement
Genre: Family story and legend
Informant: The person who I heard this story from is my dad Jason Monks. The story has been passed down from my father's side of my family. It comes from 6 generations back and has been one of my favorites from that side of my family.
Context: the story actually comes from an autobiography from my ancestor Lewis Barney. My dad and older brothers have read the book, however I have only read a little bit of it. The story of Lewis Barney's life I will share I heard from my father. My dad often will share a story of one of our ancestors when the subject comes up and this one seems to be told quite often even though everyone in my family knows what happens. We have the book written by Lewis but it is also available online by searching biography of Lewis Barney.
Lewis Barney
Lewis Barney
Text: In 1825 Lewis Barney's mother died when he was 17 years old. After her death he and his father Charles would go on trips and leave the younger children at an aunt's. However two years later his family decided to travel west. When the family was preparing to begin their journey his father Charles was approached by a young woman the same age as Lewis. She wished to travel with the family to the west however Charles told her it would be unsuitable and improper for a single girl to travel with them. The next day she came back and pleaded with Charles to take her out west with them. Charles then proceeded to tell the young woman that she could come with their family if she would marry him. Without hesitation she agreed and that same day they went down the road to the Smith home and were married.
Texture: This story is my favorite because I find it rather funny. When I was first told the story I thought that this is the point of the story when Lewis would be married considering the fact that the young woman was his age. It is funny however because someone who could be his wife ends up becoming his step-mother. Considering the time frame this type of occurrence really wasn't out of the ordinary but when you actually look at the age gap it is rather odd. Considering that Lewis had older siblings his father must have been over double the age of his wife and yet she willingly married him.
Meaning: Although this story doesn't have much sentimental meaning to me, I do find it rather cool that I have stories preserved from my family's past. I know many do not have many stories from their past family to share and think of and I am grateful I have them. And although the story isn't some amazing rescue or battle story it is just as special or even more so because it is a story of everyday life. It's about how a girl became a wife and mother and although that is probably not how she wanted her story to go, it showed how important going west was to her that she made a sacrifice. This story teaches me about sacrifice. And sometimes it is better to give up something we want (such as finding love) for something better (her new life out in the west). That's why I love this story so much.
Bonnie Moore
English 2010-027 @ 10:30
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